Monday, July 23, 2007

Made some calls to....

I made five distress calls out of the Moose antler i brought to the workshop in the summerhouse, the toneboards are from KO-predator solutions (Thanks Mr.Loren Reese for shipping Sweden!) and they have a great sound.

I actually called in a "Red" one night he came straight at me with a large rat in his mouth and stopped 5-6 yards away didnt see me and wind in his back he wouldn´t stood a chance if the season weren´t off hehehe.

The call in the upper pic has some tracks burned into the edges from Moose and Fox thought it would be a nice touch.....

Got a Common Pheasant!

The only game i shot during my three weeks in our summerhouse, a common Pheasant i cant wait to taste it as i´ve heard it has a great taste i dont know myself as it is my first.
I saw him coming across the yard when i was in the toilet taking a leak i finished fast and went for my .22, one shot later this picture was taken........ the tailfeathers are to be set up as trophy on woodplate i will add that picture later.

A good friend is gone.

Two days before we were going to our summer house i had to put down my dear huntingbuddy and familymember "Jesper" i´ve had him for three years trying to get his anger problems solved. He was a dog that was given to me and my wife by another family and it later turned out the the man in the family had beaten this dog since he was a pup, that explained some of the behavior that i was trying to help him from. He was an excellent dog when it came to drive Roedeer,fox and rabbit but when he started to bite me and my wife for no reason this spring we feared that he would go for our 8 month daughter, so when he attacked me really bad two days before our holiday trip to the summerhouse we had him put to sleep.
I´m proud to say that he had his absolute best time living three years with us and we tried so hard to reraise him but he could never trust a human after the childhood he had............

Rest in peace Jesper i will always remember you!
///// Your best friend Fredrik