August is for many people the slow end of the summer, boring for some but for us that enjoy hunting this month means something special. On the night of the 1st me and Johan headed out to hunt Badger with his Plotthound and on one dirtroad we saw this fox (lowest pic) strutting around in search of something to have for dinner. I called it in and Johan got the drop on him 10 yards out, it was a young male so we figure this site will be a good place to call adult fox later on this winter.
On Sunday the same week a friend of mine invited me to go Dove hunting with him and his Lab, we somewhat of a slow start but ended up shooting 30 Wood Pigeons (middle pic) it was a great day but the rain put a stop on the hunt at noon.
I´ve also managed to drop a Redfox on a Roebuck stand i took on the morning of the 16:th also a youngster wich a called in and shot at 70 yards, im still out for a special Buck i´ve seen and if i get the drop on him pictures will be added......