Monday, February 23, 2009

Sorry returning guests!!

Im sorry i havent had the time to make any inputs in my blog this month, it´s been due to low success in the hunts. The snow have been too deep for any fox to charge the call, me and Johan have still made a few attempts and seen foxes but never got them to charge hard as they do on snow crust. We had one funny incident though when a Owl tried to land on Johan´s head as we were out nightcalling in moonlight, the stand before the Owl incident produced one fox that got our wind at app. 150 yards out thats the latest fox seen ( 11 days ago). Besides hunting i´ve been producing some calls on order and these are the pics you see in the post above, got the courage to make a onepiece antlercall out of mooseantler......
Was planning on taking two stand by the river tonight but my wife and daughter is sick so im not sure if i dare to go calling......

Best regards!!