Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Santa came early!!

Phew!!.... now the weekends are almost over, that means that the calling season will peak more and more out to the last of March. On Monday the 22:nd there was a package in the mail bundle from the creator of Nordik Predator (P-A Åhlén) it was his new baby the "Nordik Crying Bird" distress call for predators, so far i can only say it has a different sound to what im used to but when i hear it i feel that the sound will attract small predators such as fox and martens i also belive this call will work in Lynx populated area..... Im up for 4 days of hunting starting tomorrow so i´ll be back with the field test result on the call (pics will be added).

I must say we have been blessed with the great weather over xmas, me and my buddies have been out hunting for Roedeer almost every day we have been off work, and i actually shot a small buck last friday.... too bad i wasn´t carrying the camera..

Happy New Year!!!